• Project Details (Scams group)

Our Investment: $1000
Minimal Spend: $25
Min Withdraw: $1 PM,ePayCore, $5 LTC/Tron/BNB/Dash/Ripple/DogeCoin/USDT TRC20/BEP20 ; $10 BTC/ETH
Referral: 4 Levels: 8%-3%-2%-1%
Online: 2022-04-22 (7 D)
Monitored: 7 Days
Last Paid: 1041 days ago
Our Rating:
Info: | ISP || ahr | ahm | hyipbiz | hyipbiz | WatchHyipMonitors| | Advanced HYIP Statistics| Review, Technical Analysis, RCBs and more at |
PerfectMoney BitCoin Ripple Ethereum LiteCoin DASH USDT(TRC-20) BNB(BEP-20) EpayCore Tron BinanceCoin(BNB) DDOSProtect SSL LicensedScript
Investment Plans: 2.1% for 15 days, 2.5% for 30 days, 3% daily for 60 days, 3.5% daily for 100 days (Principal Back) | 4% - 5% daily for 20 Days --- Deposit return at any time with 15% fee.

SeFinance Program Description

SeFinance SЕ Finаnсе is раrt оf Nоrwау’s lаrgеst finаnсiаl sеrviсеs grоuр. Ассоrding tо mаrkеt сарitаlizаtiоn SЕ Finаnсе grоuр is sесоnd lаrgеst in thе Nоrthеrn Еurоре rеgiоn thаt dоminаtеs in thе аrеаs оf lоаn, dероsit, rеаl еstаtе mаnаgеmеnt, lifе insurаnсе, реnsiоn funds аnd рауmеnts. SЕ Finаnсе is аlsо а lеаdеr оf finаnсiаl sеrviсеs аssосiаtеd with mоnеу, stосk аnd rеаl еstаtе mаrkеts. Wе аrе thе lаrgеst rеаl еstаtе mаnаgеmеnt соmраnу with аrоund 500 000 invеstmеnt funds сliеnts. SЕ Finаnсе is оnе оf thе lаrgеst shiррing sесtоr finаnсiеrs in thе wоrld, а раrtnеr оf sеа fооd industrу аnd wоrldwidе еnеrgеtiсs mаrkеt.

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Add Your Comments For SeFinance

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Post by user persianhonor

Iran [email protected] Apr 30, 2022 03:52

pending since 29th ,change status to not paying

Post by user moneymaker

Portugal [email protected] Apr 29, 2022 14:53

Scam! Not paid me since 2 days:

Post by user kandidatus

Belarus [email protected] Apr 29, 2022 06:46


Post by user asuru310

Russian Federation [email protected] Apr 29, 2022 02:51


Post by user sharank

India [email protected] Apr 28, 2022 18:27


Post by user ushoosecom

Egypt [email protected] Apr 28, 2022 17:35

Instant payment The amount of 1.05 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834 To U12166898. Memo: API Payment. Payment from Date: 04.28.22 15:47. Batch: 460590291

Post by user heatstreak

Germany [email protected] Apr 28, 2022 16:46

Instant withdrawals paid from this program This is my 3rd withdrawal and everything is smooth There are implementation of new plans and it looks good Payment batch - 10.5 Tether TRC-20 04-26-2022 20:55:03 7549b78aac4bf5f22cd2b7d834ff1518e11a23e15cb09df2ec6a7bef2c8e9398 10.5 Tether TRC-20 04-27-2022 23:01:33 0cf2bd7b6fb6bffa04588d921f403b5713dab9c23c74ba41596903dfcf4d9f64

Post by user fryandani

United Kingdom [email protected] Apr 28, 2022 13:25

This is supper I got nice referral commission with my daily earning thanks admin keep it up $76 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account . Transaction batch. 3df1d708d346724bf9cf201f027eea e9f4afb2f6ffc5d55602247d903f21dd00e8a9d9fc99d784489f4e1b5

Post by user bestbtcsitescom

India [email protected] Apr 27, 2022 18:37

$6.30 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account TCGmLzgpvALGgmrEK3zZk6mWnRgpy1aURk. Transaction batch is d36b8d06b63bb130eb1bdfe3b61045de6b7dda0e1c5353f0fec63ef2e29bcd72

Post by user jereajali

China [email protected] Apr 27, 2022 11:54

Post by user asuru310

Russian Federation [email protected] Apr 27, 2022 02:48

Instant payment 02:35 27.04.22 Receive 460352299 U12456834 Payment 1.16 USD from account U12456834. Memo: API Payment. 14613363. Payment ID: 14613363

Post by user bestbtcsitescom

India [email protected] Apr 26, 2022 17:48

$100.00 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account TCGmLzgpvALGgmrEK3zZk6mWnRgpy1aURk. Transaction batch is 4b9f9c5d1e5a9e8fc724562a3da4cb1c8587c13d7d2c394942d8e8963b3093f4

Post by user heatstreak

Germany [email protected] Apr 26, 2022 15:10

I invested here $500 in the first plan which is of 15 days I decided to test the system first rather than going in for a 30 days investment If everything is super smooth we will see lots of profits incoming :) I have a good feeling about this I was paid instantly as well NEW Deposit batch - 500 Tether TRC-20 04-24-2022 14:37:21 448daaf998592f389d61948e07c01c015ce2f23290804d825924409aa2af64c4 Payment batch - 10.5 Tether TRC-20 04-26-2022 01:09:27 89944955b1392fcc75de60c09d909ac1de5af02f

Post by user fryandani

Germany [email protected] Apr 25, 2022 11:29

Always instant payments $46 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account . Transaction batch. Ra6fse1b586e9f4afb2f6ffc5d55602247d903f21dd00e8a9d9fc99d784489f4e

Post by user asuru310

Russian Federation [email protected] Apr 25, 2022 02:43

Instant payment 02:31 25.04.22 Receive 460044955 U12456834 Payment 1.16 USD from account U12456834. Memo: API Payment. 14536029. Payment ID: 14536029

Post by user klimkung

United Kingdom [email protected] Apr 23, 2022 19:28

Instant withdrawal received The amount of 14 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U. Memo: API Payment. 14488768.. Date: 1:48 23.04.22. Batch: 451858709.

Post by user preagony

Ireland [email protected] Apr 23, 2022 14:25

Post by user jereajali

China [email protected] Apr 23, 2022 11:21

Post by user wythe

Russian Federation [email protected] Apr 23, 2022 09:43

Top Insurance Programs

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🥉 Optimizer Profit $70
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🥉 FLIP X $50
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🥉 Invest-Fond.Net $20


Latest Votes

Goldenprice 2025-03-04
Status Completed Date 2025-03-04 11:57 Coin TRX Deposit amount 43.649283 Network TRX Address TxID 3ed1bf...df75 Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
Cryptoshub 2025-03-04
Dear John Smith! Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 2724595 Date of transaction: 04.03.2025 09:02 Amount: 20.6 USD Note: Withdraw from
Cryptoshub 2025-03-04
Transaction ID: 2724575 Date of transaction: 04.03.2025 07:17 Amount: 20.3 USD Note: Withdraw to Forgriettles002 from
Cryptoshub 2025-03-04
30.90 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E012***. Transaction batch is 2724569.
LuxIoProfit 2025-03-04
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XODOAI 2025-03-03
Goldenprice 2025-03-03
Status Completed Date 2025-03-03 11:56 Coin TRX Deposit amount 42.635819 Network TRX Address TxID 50d29b...22d6 Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
Mauna Fund 2025-03-03
Paid Withdraw amount: $3.29 (LTC/USD rate at received time) 9bc5a8d0883b603cc53fe1557572b028771e78875ba36539823a99577bf32f79
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Cryptoshub 2025-03-03
Thanks paying on time keep it up Transaction ID: 2823879 Date of transaction: 03.03.2025 2:35 Amount: 2.8 USD Note: Withdraw from
WayNexes 2025-03-02
Waynexes Платит! На ваш баланс зачислены средства. ID операции: 2723427 Дата операции: 01.03.2025 19:31 Сумма: 0.13 USD
Selwix Crypto 2025-03-01
Paying! Great Program! Thanks Admin. Transaction ID: 2723212 Date of transaction: 01.03.2025 12:42 Payment system: ePayCore E055792 Amount: 1.15 USD Note: Invoice #538519, edpr2140
Mao Global 2025-03-01
March 1, 2025 at 20:23 I successfully withdrew 1 USDT BEP20 (withdrawal fee: free) after 10 minutes of waiting.; user : f7f5b12e-9e442176 ; [email protected]
Goldenprice 2025-03-01
Status Completed Date 2025-03-01 12:15 Coin TRX Deposit amount 43.791903 Network TRX Address TxID 931ce4...31d9 Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
Mao Global 2025-02-28
Your withdrawal request has been successfully processed. Withdrawal amount: $1.00 (USDT.BEP20) Transaction ID: 0x93796e011039e7d54efbbe610dba8a0fe45541b6f5****
Mauna Fund 2025-02-28
+$3.29 LTC 0efaec27103461165fdb6e2bb5e033c978e2d0141507b808d90bb5705403de5e
Goldenprice 2025-02-28
Status Completed Date 2025-02-28 11:43 Coin TRX Deposit amount 48.052876 Network TRX Address TxID 707368...ef89 Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
Invest-Fond.Net 2025-02-27
🟢💰 INVEST FOND💰🟢 Paying !! Perfetti e IMMEDIATI : Hi Maxidvd, $1.00 has been successfully sent to your EPayCore Account, Transaction batch is: 2722001
Goldenprice 2025-02-27
Status Completed Date 2025-02-27 10:41 Coin TRX Deposit amount 45.166367 Network TRX Address TxID 1f20c9...e7c4 Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
FLIP X 2025-02-26

Latest Hyips

1.5% daily for 20 Days, 2% daily for 25 Days, 2.5% daily for 30 Days (Principal Return)

Latest Payout

Selwix Crypto $9.10
XODOAI $9.00
Financely Ltd $5.28
Cryptoshub $3.00
Mao Global $21.30
Pure3.Cloud $6.30
Goldenprice $1.00
LuxIoProfit $9.00
XODOAI $5.50
Capitalized5 $5.70
Mauna Fund $27.10
Optimizer Profit $3.40
Mao Global $16.51
Pure3.Cloud $7.10

Top ROI Programs

Top Lifetime Programs

LuxIoProfit 2124 days
Crypto Harvest 1173 days
Capitalized5 467 days
Goldenprice 430 days
Optimizer Profit 348 days
Wfg1 289 days
Selwix Crypto 258 days
Fincentre Limited 208 days
Amazing Empire 120 days
King Hectares 117 days
Multy Investment 110 days
Mauna Fund 102 days
Financely Ltd 74 days
Invest-Fond.Net 64 days
Pure3.Cloud 62 days
XODOAI 21 days
Mao Global 19 days
Cryptoshub 19 days
WayNexes 18 days
FLIP X 13 days

Latest Scams

Cyfer Network
Tactful Trade
CX Global
Fx Pips Hunter
Niolic Limited

Recent Tweets Posts

Latest News

Dear OrexBit Investors, We are happy to inform you that our platform has added a new payment method on our payment processing. Which is well known popular (EpayCore). We always work to improve our payment system for our investors convenience. Thanks for stay with OrexBit Finance Limited. Hello Dear investors and visitors Royal Stability Ltd! We are gladly reporting that, by numerous customer requests, the following payment tools added! Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Monero, Ripple, BNB, BNB.BSC, BNB.ERC20, BUSD.ERC20, BUSD.BEP2, BUSD.BEP20, Bitcoin Cash. And also we added a special function, now you can receive special notifications only when the transaction occurs. Royal Stability Ltd just forward!

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Top Investors last Week

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Top Investors This Month

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Top Investors This Year

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Payment Systems

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For Your Attention, All online investments are extremely risky, investment should be cautious.

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