Online: 2016-03-21 (8 D)
Monitored: 8 Days
Last Paid: 3281 days ago

VRAGE Program Description
Modern technologies for the last five years have been cardinally changed world around and our perception of this world. To study the natural phenomena or to find out what processes in the interesting us natural or technogenic space phenomenon will happen, even more often we use systems which allow us not to use of real situations and events. So, for example, still quite recently to know what damage will be sustained by new model of the car at crash, it was necessary to crash several tens expensive real cars.
Now the virtual system situation can cope with this task. No any crashed cars, no any dangerous experiments and tests. And this practice has gained its development in a set of fields of the people activity. Use of simulators of virtual reality not only considerably saves time and money, but also accelerates of development process of new devices and technologies.
Our company works in the such area of human activity. We develop technologies and devices on the basis of using virtual reality technology. The devices, which have been created by us, widely used in training of control of air vehicles, and also for professional development of air craft pilots. Besides, our developments have found its employment in some remote control systems and virtual forecasting.
Such developments demand high qualification of the company's personnel, and also existence of new ideas and technologies.
We work at the market of virtual technologies for the last three years. It is considerable term for this type of business. During this time we have achieved considerable success in certification and promotion on the market of our products and now we have an opportunity to get high profit from own activity.
At the same time, we always aspired and aspire now to new steps in its evolution and progress. And to realize our new ideas, we need investments and investors' support.
In order to reduce the time necessary for introduction of new developments in production, we have decided to create an investment platform on the basis of which each investor can use chance and to become the participant not only investment process, but also to become one of those who actively helps our company to create new reality and new technologies.
What can be better, than to be at sources of new and useful business for all!
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