Online: 2017-08-18 (2779 D)
Monitored: 2779 Days
Last Paid: 2760 days ago

TrustHyipVer1 Program Description
Hello, my dear investor! You can participate in the project “trusthyipver1”.
The idea of the project and its history were formed due to the effective analysis of many truly successful and not very successful HYIPs. In fact, “trusthyipver1” does not differ from other similar projects. However, there is one thing that can single out this project. It`s about mutual trust, i.e. about the scheme Investor» Admin» Investor. You will surely ask: “But should we trust you?” And the answer is “No”. Trust must be earned, and I will try my best to achieve this. Many project admins are not entirely honest, and I am no exception. But in case of necessary lies I will try to minimize them for the benefit of our investors! My main income comes from cryptocurrency mining. And of course, as you have probably guessed, investments, the profits from which will be accrued, will be used to purchase equipment. But the project is not all about this. “trusthyipver1” is more a game than a source of income. I`m not chasing super profits, but real losses are also unacceptable for me. Main feature of the project: Unfortunately, the phenomenon of SCAM is natural, and no one is immune from it. However, our investors are returned 60% of the deposit made (apart from refback). The rest is spent on the project: 10% – on technical part, 25% – on advertising, and the admin gets 5% for his work. That`s it. If you accept the rules of the game, welcome!And remember: “Where you lose, you will find more.”
Приветствую тебя, дорогой инвестор, в проекте «Хайп на доверии». Идея и история создания проекта сформировались благодаря эффективному анализу многих поистине успешных и не очень успешных хайпов. По сути, «Хайп на доверии» ничем не отличается от других подобных проектов. Но есть, пожалуй, один момент, который может выделить данный проект. Речь идет о взаимном доверии – по схеме Инвестор» Админ» Инвестор. «А стоит ли нам доверять тебе?» – спросите вы. И ответ будет «Нет». Доверие нужно заслужить, и я постараюсь сделать все возможное, чтобы добиться этого. Многие админы проектов не совсем честные, и я не исключение. Но в случае необходимой лжи я постараюсь минимизировать её во благо наших инвесторов! Мой основной заработок – майниг криптовалюты. И конечно, как Вы догадались, инвестиции, прибыль от которых и будет начисляться, пойдут на приобретение оборудования. Но проект ни в коем случае не завязан на этом. «Хайп на доверии» – больше игра, нежели источник заработка. Я не гонюсь за сверхприбылью, но и реальные потери меня не устраивают.
Особенность проекта: К сожалению, такое явление, как SCAM, закономерно, и никто не застрахован от него. Однако нашим инвесторам возвращается 60% от сделанного депозита (не считая рефбека). Остальное уходит на проект: 10% – на техническую часть, 25% – на рекламу, 5% – админу за работу.
Ну вот и все. Если ты принимаешь правила игры, добро пожаловать!
И помни: «Где потеряешь, там и найдёшь».
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![]() The amount of 10.75 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14213198->U164. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to daftly from trusthyipver1.. Date: 22:13 06.09.17. Batch: 187462189. |
![]() The amount of 10.75 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14213198->U5********. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to Warner from trusthyipver1.. Date: 22:14 06.09.17. Batch: 187462239. |
![]() Always got paid from [b]U1421319[/b] by schedule : Date:2017/09/01 15:26 Batch:186970038 From Account:U14213198 Amount:10.50 Memo:Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to pro*** from trusthyipver1. Thanks admin! |
![]() The amount of 10.75 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14213198->U********7. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to Walker from trusthyipver1.. Date: 15:26 01.09.17. Batch: 186970062. |
![]() The amount of 10.75 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14213198->U314 Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to hallman from trusthyipver1.. Date: 15:26 01.09.17. Batch: 186970087. |
![]() Transaction ID: f64ee7e6-5492-4615-96e2-23a2668ead16 [email protected] 41.92 USD |
![]() Transaction ID: f4b99b6a-2af4-4f87-871c-d374c14f168d От: [email protected] Сумма: 41.93 USD |
![]() Transaction ID: e646e00d-f974-4e7a-a2d8-87c2682692d7 От:[email protected] 41.92 USD |
![]() The amount of 10.75 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14213198->U3650. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to mustee from trusthyipver1.. Date: 20:09 21.08.17. Batch: 185668067. |
![]() The amount of 10.25 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14213198->U1059662. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to des*** from trusthyipver1.. Date: 20:08 21.08.17. Batch: 185667878. |
![]() The amount of 10.25 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14213198->U1*********. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to Lucker168 from trusthyipver1.. Date: 20:07 21.08.17. Batch: 185667743. |