Online: 2016-05-24 (30 D)
Monitored: 15 Days
Last Paid: 3193 days ago

True HYIP Program Description
Welcome to our website. This is first and truely unique project for online investments across the globe - True Hyip.
The project True Hyip is unique because it is honest indeed, and you can see it in a moment! We are not going to fake out about how we invest in cars, houses, machinery that makes few thousand percents of the year incomes, we honestly say – we are HYIP but honest one.
We’re honest becаuese we are talking about our interests in profit before your participation, but we are not interested in a short existence of our project, that after short period of time will be closed by DDos – Attack, Martians capture or stealing our cars that creates 10% of net profits every day. We have mutual interest – profit.
In comparing with other projects we want to get 10% of investments for all time of project existence before each restart. Yes, that’s true. We officially announce that we are Hyip and later when we are going to see debit and credit imbalance – we will announce about project close and restart. In restart the users that haven’t already got their payments will be on the top of the position and they will be able to get their profit on the new stage of the project respectively. With rules understanding you can calculate the moment when it will be the best benefit to get back your money and wait for restart to rejoin in a new project and got new incomes.
Our formula is really clear and understandable just like for students as well as pensioners. So, project is started and develops, the new participants come to the project, the statistics is shown on the main page of the site and is publicly avaliable. We’re guarantee true data statistics because it is the main mechanism of project life. Using statistics data could be applied to make a conclusion how the porject is developing.
It's important to follow several indexes:
- the sum of new users;
- the sum of deposits made
- the sum of payments.
Also you need to remember that 10% - is amount that the company is going to keep. Following this formula you are going to have permanent incomes till the project will be interesting to the new and all users.
We are so honest with our members that if it will be some imbalance between debit and credit we will announce about it on the main page, and in few hours will restart the project. All users that didn’t come to positive balance will be able to start next project on the top of positions and they will have the possibility not only to return their money but to get profits too. That’s going to be continue till our project will be interesting to investors across the globe. In our turn we are going to create all posibilities to make project more popular in the entire world. To be honest is our main goal!
As well as the project propose a very interesting system of referral payments that can be instantly lead out on your wallet, so you can buy the cheapest bundle and have profit in first few minutes before deposit charge.
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