Online: 2012-11-16 (13 D)
Monitored: 6 Days
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Tobacco Capital Program Description
Welcome to Tobacco Capital!
The leading stock market analysts believe that the tobacco production sector is the best for investment at this stage. Despite the global crisis in the last ten years, tobacco production has increased steadily.
According to the Bloomberg the index of MSCI World Tobacco has increased the most. The MSCI World includes 67 sectors. Of the 67 sectors, the index of MSCI World Tobacco has won first place and increased by 200% as the average growth in other sectors of the index was 18%. Over the last year the securities of the world giants such as British American Tobacco, Philip Morris and Japan Tobacco rose by 30%. Despite the European crisis, the growth was also visible at HB, Lucky Strike and Pall Mall.
According to analytics, the growing dynamics in the tobacco industry will continue in the future, despite the establishment of additional taxes in various countries and rising of prices, the number of tobacco users is not decreasing.
At the same time experts estimate that investments in the tobacco industry have taken a leading position among the big and medium investors. In the past year, the popularity of investing in securities of tobacco manufacturers increased by three and a half times compared with the figures for this period in the last year.
Tobacco Capital provides an opportunity for private investors to make direct investments. You're making a direct investment without intermediaries, bypassing the banks and investment companies.
You keep the money from inflation and get the pure profit.
The basic principle of our work - "reliability above all else."
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