Online: 2014-07-28 (102 D)
Monitored: 100 Days
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Sun Line Company Program Description
Sun Line Company (SLC) was registered on the 16th of February 2013 on the Cayman Islands. The Company worked in closed mode. SLC was not public and collaborated with a certain range of investors exclusive investment program for VIP client stockbrokers. 07/18/2014 the company moved into the second stage of development (active involvement of partners-investors), which has been selected development using elements of MLM marketing and attracting small and medium investors.
Sun Line Company (SLC) was created to support investors. The shareholders of the community, based on its twenty-year experience of investing in the so-called start-up of medium and large businesses, as well as on many years of experience of trading on the stock and raw commodity exchange, managed to create one of the most efficient investment strategies, which demonstrated a high level of income even in the peak of the crisis of 2008.
Investment strategy of the Sun Line Company (SLC) is unique and has no analogues. The company's investments are directed in a number of industries such as:
Trading on the stock and raw commodity exchange;
Start-up of medium and large businesses;
Purchase and sale of patents;
Micro investing in third world countries;
Development of deposits of secondary resources.
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