Online: 2016-01-22 (11 D)
Monitored: 6 Days
Last Paid: 3333 days ago

Smart-Invest Program Description
We welcome you to our official website of the “SMART-INVEST” company. Having a general idea about our activity we would like to present a brief excursion to a history and a strategy of our company.
“SMART-INVEST” was created in 2002. The company was a small company. It was engaged in wholesale trade of electronics and electronic components at the PR China companies.
With the company’s development and optimization of its work in 2005, we have liquidated all directions. But we left the most promising. It was mobile direction. This year “SMART-INVEST” works on the wholesale trade and sales smartphones, phones and accessories for mobile gadgets.
The strategy of the “SMART-INVEST” company is complex and includes a lot of financial and logical chains in ordering, branding, production, delivery, implementation and guaranty service for mobile electronics and accessories. Another word, “SMART-INVEST” prepares orders on a prepaid system to China’s companies such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Uploading company’s data from prepaid orders and achieve a minimum price per unit of produced goods, while maintaining excellent characteristics. The next stage is branding the product.
The “SMART-INVEST” company is engaged only in wholesale trade and cooperates with major retail chains selling electronics in many countries in the world. “SMART-INVEST” gets profit in hundreds and even thousands of percentage from the sales unit supplying electronics to our partners.
Let us consider a small example: most people often have formed a stereotype that the yield of any product can be from 10% to 30%. This is the most common mistake. A retail chain selling electronics buys goods for $100 and sells them for $300 or more, which is a premium of 200% of the purchase value. While the price of this product for the customer and wholesale provider is in tens of dollars. When buying something for 30 dollars and than selling in retail network for $ 100 it gives a profit of 700%!
So it gives us a clear idea how business can be powerful with “SMART-INVEST”. Throughout our activities we have attracted investment from large investors and banks, it is no wonder that the name of our company based on the core words of our basic strategy “INVEST-SMART” or "Smart Investments". All over these years due to them we have been able to actively develop our company.
In the further expansion of our activities we are ready to increase the investment component in the company. This allows you to get a good income to everyone with the help of our investment proposals that have been specially designed by our experts.
A lot of beginner investors may wonder that "Why do large companies with millions of turnover need more investment?" the answer is simple. Company invests funds into new orders and into orders on the manufacturing stage, which Chinese partners require from us. And profits from sold orders go to financing activities of the company, payment of salaries and commissions for investment proposals.
Today, “SMART-INVEST” is one of the best and most promising investment projects that can generate positive returns without any possible risks.
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