Online: 2016-06-08 (14 D)
Monitored: 10 Days
Last Paid: 3195 days ago

Quera Finance Limited Program Description
The QUERA FINANCE LIMITED company headed by the CEO Anthony Grant - the reliable partner and the right conductor in the difficult and tempting world of Trust Management of Finance.
We create a comfortable and favorable environment for Internet investment and we help private investors to find durationoptimal ways to enhance their quality, being guided by a golden rule: "To bring income your money need to work!"
As the independent company QUERA FINANCE LIMITED (Canada) exists several months, however behind early age there is an impressive work experience in the sphere of investment management. The high competence and outstanding performance shown by our team in a previous period have allowed to perform in the first quarter 2016 the Quera transformation to open joint stock company.
Deposits to Forex, work with cryptocurrencies, trade in bonds are the main directions of work of QUERA FINANCE LIMITED. In plans for the next month - venture investments: at the moment our experts are engaged in the careful analysis of all possible sources of profitability and risk in this segment of the market.
Our mission - the effective management of finance allowing each investor to gain stable income in a long-term outlook in case of minimum risk.
Successful transformation of the company has allowed us to continue productive work on increase in the current assets with attraction of financial resources of private investors. Today by means of specialized online services we give everyone an opportunity of receipt of stable profit.
Similar availability of investment - one of important benefits of QUERA FINANCE LIMITED. We offer the products and services in the public market also we consider that we have the right to expect the corresponding honesty from the partners. Namely: everyone is capable to trade, however can expect high return only 5% of investors - those who really understand it, but not simply "plays business".
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