Online: 2016-08-29 (10 D)
Monitored: 6 Days
Last Paid: 3116 days ago

Paragon Corporation Program Description
Against the background of recent events occurring worldwide standard investments (real estate, stocks, precious metals, etc.) have been increasingly exposed to relatively high risks. Therefore, investors began to look more stable sphere of investment, not only to make a profit, but also reduce the risk of losing their money invested.
Financial experts say that the most stable industry in the last fifteen years, is to invest in diamond mining. Analysts have concluded that the demand for diamonds in the next decade will increase approximately 5% annually. Therefore, more and more often there are investment funds and companies engaged in the extraction, sale and processing of diamonds.
Paragon Group Company is engaged in investing in the production of diamonds for a long time, and then sells the stones on the world markets, as well as cooperating with the jewelry companies. We are engaged in production in countries where there are the largest diamond deposits, namely in Botswana, Russia, Canada, South Africa and Angola.
Diamond mining liquidity scope of investment. One gram can sometimes cost as much as several kilograms of gold. The company has a special department, whose task is to estimate the future value of the stones. To this end, our experts determine the weight of the diamond, its purity, color and quality. Depending on these parameters the value of each diamond is determined individually and can vary significantly.It should be noted that self-investors will be able to invest in diamond mining, as the majority of countries where this gemstone is mined, it is prohibited for sale between individuals and is a direct violation of the law.This year the company Paragon Group has decided to set up a special investment fund, which aims to attract private capital from people wishing to invest their own money in a stable sector. Each of our investors automatically become a partner and will receive a certain percentage of the profits, depending on the amount invested.
The company Paragon Group invites all investors to mutually beneficial cooperation.
Long-term investments in diamond mining - is a profitable investment of your capital!
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