Online: 2014-12-20 (11 D)
Monitored: 11 Days
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Oasis Income Program Description
Due to today's instability in global financial sector(crisis, war, immigration), huge amounts of capital have tendencies to flow from place to place, finding most secure and risk-free zones. But some people, who are more attentive, flexible and sometimes owners of "inside"(confidential) information, find useful opportunities in current financial situation. These investors and traders not just keep safe their money, but also contrive to multiply their capitals many times. Our company has a team of professional traders who are skilled enough to manage financial operations, as mentioned above.
Oasis Income Ltd is an online name of financial off-shore subsidiary(daughter) company that is officially registered in Belize in 2014(Major company registered in 2005). The main role of our online company is to accumulate, keep safe and reinvest for short and long-term periods the amounts of capital that are deposited in Oasis inc. Most of the funds are deposited in tax free zone.
Our major company works from 2005 and we have more than 1000+ offline clients with deposits starting from 100.000$. The objective of Oasis Income is to increase the amount of investors, shareholders(starting from 50.000$) and operations made by them. This will give us higher status in registering new branch in Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Cap 32, and other off-shore zones.
Deposits below 50.000$ will go to company's B class balance. Deposits starting from 50.000$ will go to company's A class balance with separate bearer shares. We will send you email with secret code, which will be linked to your shares. Have in mind, that our company guarantees privacy of our investors and shareholders, and they might invest anonymously.
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