Online: 2009-06-10 (25 D)
Monitored: 24 Days
Last Paid:

EarnerSurfer Program Description
Welcome to EarnerSurfer, The autosurf industry has dramatically crashed since the start of the year. EarnerSurfer has been planned and organized to change this disaster. We are here to bring the autosurf industry a new life and to show a new way of generating income online. First and foremost, EarnerSurfer's goal is to stay open for more than 1 or 2 months instead of 90% of autosurfs launched recently.. We planned our project carefully and we are more than confident about that. The team that EarnerSurfer is composed of are professionals with excellent knowledge in Marketing, High risk industry, and others Internet business's. Some of us have been investors our self in the last couple years in autosurf and hyip industry. We have seen many of these sites crash, and we know we have the experience and solutions to avoid problems like hit and runners, cheaters, DdoS attack. Thinking about our members and advertisers, we decided to work with the best script available, hosted on a dedicated server with high DdoS protection level and all others security features
Monitor Button Code

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Monitored by"></a>