Online: 2015-02-15 (14 D)
Monitored: 13 Days
Last Paid: 3670 days ago

DanteBank Program Description
Top priority of DanteBank company is real estate investment. It’s as risk-free as bank deposit. The real estate investment has one undeniable advantage (especially, if you don’t try to buy property under conditions of overheated market, as it was before the crisis, when prices peaked, and then blown away). Nowadays, for majority of cities, deposit’s incomes are consistent with income from apartments’ rent, corresponding to the value of the size of the deposit. Please, note that bank deposit, for the period when you get an income on deposits, will lose its value by inflation. The purchasing of real estate will help you to earn an income as well as save the invested money. The reason is that under ordinary conditions, the cost of property is adjusted for inflation.
Today, in much of cities the prices on real estate market are quite adequate; therefore, that is not to say that it’s overheated. So if there is a question "where to invest money?" the very best deal is real estate investment with DanteBank company.
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