Online: 2016-12-01 (111 D)
Monitored: 104 Days
Last Paid: 2921 days ago

1HashMining Program Description
1 Hash Mining was founded at the end of 2013. They got to know each other by using the same platform for buying and selling Bitcoins. As our company and its user base grew, new mining farms were built up and several additional people hired, specifically programmers and engineers.1 Hash Mining is known for the best return on investment. We are all strong believers in the future of digital currencies and we love being part of this growing community! Thanks to some great partnerships we have established with hardware producers, as well as to our large scale purchases, we get a better price on our employed technology. This means we buy the hardware cheaper than the market price. What also bears great importance, considering the maintenance costs, is the storage of the miners: we have several farms around the globe, and each location was chosen to fulfill two important criteria: cheap electricity supply and little or no need for cooling. There is much beauty in purchasing and setting up your own hardware, we know that. But it's for those who are technically very skilled, can solve tricky complications, and generally see the fun in maintaining a complex construction rather than in earning profit with it. For most people these are annoying, unnecessary difficulties, and our solution is targeted exactly at them. To put it simple, our service is providing a better mining experience at a lower cost. There are many who tell us that they can mine cheaper by themselves according to their calculations. However, it always turned out that they forgot about one or more of the above listed costs. We did our calculations, and we think it's impossible to mine more profitably on a smaller scale, at home and by yourself.
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